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Get to Know The Bergheger Sisters

beware we're normal just like you

Hey you, thanks for checking us out. in the way we actually appreciate, lol. i was born and raised in saint louis, missouri. im 28 and i am ready to thrive! life is short and God has given me the beautiful task of encouraging and inspiring others to seek Him no matter what the situation may be. He's waiting for you in the good, the bad, and the ugly. most of my childhood i spent fighting. My parents, my sister, teachers, friends. you name it and we've probably shared a few choice words in the past. growing up felt like a struggle and i know why, its because life is hard without God. we can try to keep it all together but its really hard and we end up fighting to stay afloat. so im here to tell you to stop fighting and start trusting. God created us to float not sink. 

Love, Victoria



Raise your hand if you have ever felt personally victimized by the devil! *& everybody's hands go up!* Yeah, me too, you're not alone. I'm Emma! Bergheger sister #2. speaking of the d%*il, that dude convinced me for years that I wasn't special, important, smart, pretty, capable (shall I go on... nah the devil would love that) Truly though he had me going for awhile, but then, God introduced himself to me in such a beautiful way & have never been the same since. I am reminded everyday that I was hand crafted by God, & all the weird stuff I got going on in life was made for ME, from scratch, by GOD, like c'mon, & guess what!! same goes for you too!! Woohoo!! I want to encourage all my sisters to live for Jesus & He will deliver you from any damage done by the devil. There is a new way to live, with love, forgiveness, compassion, confidence, authority, value (I could go on & on) lets LIVE together, as sisters

Love, Emma

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